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  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($444.00/mnth)6x $444.00
  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($2664.00)$2664.00
  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($547.00/mnth)6x $547.00
  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($3282.00)$3282.00

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The Long GameGroup Copywriting Coaching$0

Includes 6-month access to:

One monthly 90-minute live lesson + co-writing per month for training and live feedback.

One 90-minute co-writing session per month so there’s dedicated time on your calendar (and other people expecting you to show up to it) to work on your content + copy.

Slack channel for suggestions and feedback between calls.

Unlimited content reviews and audits to “have your work checked” by a pro.

Monthly challenges designed to help you feel safe and confident to be visible in your marketing.

BONUS: 90-minute call to hone in on your messaging and strategize what you’ll create in the group. ($750 value)

BONUS: On-the-spot clarity calls — short 1:1 time together throughout the program for when you really get stuck and need help so you can beat the blinking cursor (or record button!) ($300 value)

BONUS: Resource library with interviews from other business owners, thought starters, and journal prompts. **We’ll build this as we go! ($150/month value)

VIP UPGRADE: Monthly 60-minute 1:1 calls for dedicated brainstorming, coaching, and done-with-you writing plus Voxer access for deeper coaching. ($250/month value). Select either the monthly ($547/month) or one-time payment ($3282) option!

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe Long Game$0

All prices in USD